Wednesday, December 12, 2012


I'm very new to the whole Twitter scene.  I find it ... different.  On Facebook, you connect with friends old & new and like pages.  On Twitter, it's like you can run into ANYONE - it's a free-for-all.  Yet, you can't say more than x-amount of characters at a time!  I'm getting to my point ...

I've been on Twitter a little while and have the whole "depression" thing going on as my topic of interest.  I see a lot of posts that are very negative, depressing (imagine that!), and sometimes downright frightening.  It's scary - for two reasons:
1. I empathized with these people who are depressed and feel like there's no hope.  I know that that feels like and I pray to God that they make it through to a brighter spot.  I was also going to say that I hope they have a good support network of family and friends to talk to, but then I realized that, that doesn't matter.  When you are in that black hole, you are alone.  It doesn't matter how much your family and friends love you because you can't focus on anything except that suffocating feeling of despair.  Wow, that's really optimistic!
2. I'm very affected by the emotions of others, things I read, things I hear, and things I see.  I'm afraid of being somehow pulled in to a darker place by reading these depressing, negative and hopeless posts on Twitter by others.  So far, I'm doing fine, but this is me just thinking aloud.

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